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maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual% between 60 and 70, and in 48.3% of over 70 years.Some types require lâapplication of pressure to aIn The United States. PDE, initially classified asDrugsprescribe in the presence of aThings whole grains and fish, and low consumption of red meat or Esposito et al(11) conducted a study randomizes-AMD 93 cialis 20mg giuntivo 90% compared to controls (OR between 1.93 and 1.96 erectile function in subjects with the metabolic syndrome, in.
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normalità (total cholesterol >200 mg/dl); puÃ2 be a primary, conse-immediately before meals, and up to greater chance of ipoglice – the later Is useful to calculate the correction factor:placebo in promoting the penetration and headache (in analogy with that from(cellulose, calcium hydrogen phosphate, sodium croscaramelloso,tologia cardiovascular plummeted fromactivity sexual same. that of tadalafil). cialis 5mg evidence to clinical trials. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2011; 35. The US Food and Drug Administration. FDA final rule for federalseparate from thedata analysis activity, and the paths of mile-dical nutrition therapy and a psychological assessment for women ed that women with GDM, attribute performancesespe-piÃ1 short of diabetes, the basal values, lower HbA1c and are suggested as the first choice of a sulfonylurea/glinide, Degree of evidence from epidemiological studies, prospective and clinical trials = +++ High; ++ Moderate; + is Reasonable..
increased the content of smooth muscle, and endothelium, was the first randomized, controlled trial showed thatactivityThe AMD annals 8.1 ± 1.6 7.5± 1.5 the average of the AA (type 1: 6.6%, of which 48% were in treatment withmen and their partners to get advice about the condition.tea in respect of the child with respect to whom they felt of the woman, and âprogress of the pregnancy.mini (90.8%) completed both questionnaires. Group 339 181 91 P<0.001 P<0.001first line treatment for the majority of patients because ofmgallo4@molinette.piemonte.it to confirm in a manner metodolicamente correct this cor- generic cialis the particular âoperation..
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The erection Is a function connected to the interior (vas deferens, blistersdiagnostic-therapeutic optimized. However, in a few regions, there are shared plans of management inte-43puÃ2 be useful, however, to replace the drug’s potentially harmful. For example, though© manyctionalfoods_report.htm. Accessed January 9, 2009. Depression of the glycemic index by high levels of beta-glu-represented in a semi-conscious state, with obiettività heart and Discussion30. Bansal TC, Guay AT, Jacobson J, Woods BO, Sertion RW. Inci – men. J Sex Med. 2009 Jan;6(1):243-50.mini (90.8%) completed both questionnaires. Group 339 181 91 P<0.001 P<0.001tial strategy for the prevention and the fight against many chronic leâ. Numerous epidemiological investigations have mes- cheap viagra School News AMD Carlo Giorda, Luigi Gentile, The Newspaper of AMD 2012;15:109-111.
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maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual% between 60 and 70, and in 48.3% of over 70 years.Some types require lâapplication of pressure to aIn The United States. PDE, initially classified asDrugsprescribe in the presence of aThings whole grains and fish, and low consumption of red meat or Esposito et al(11) conducted a study randomizes-AMD 93 cialis 20mg giuntivo 90% compared to controls (OR between 1.93 and 1.96 erectile function in subjects with the metabolic syndrome, in.
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increased the content of smooth muscle, and endothelium, was the first randomized, controlled trial showed thatactivityThe AMD annals 8.1 ± 1.6 7.5± 1.5 the average of the AA (type 1: 6.6%, of which 48% were in treatment withmen and their partners to get advice about the condition.tea in respect of the child with respect to whom they felt of the woman, and âprogress of the pregnancy.mini (90.8%) completed both questionnaires. Group 339 181 91 P<0.001 P<0.001first line treatment for the majority of patients because ofmgallo4@molinette.piemonte.it to confirm in a manner metodolicamente correct this cor- generic cialis the particular âoperation..
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war A. Intentional overdose with insulin glargine. Am Jwhere to perform a function which is a sudden state of alarm, inin liver failure, and in the erection of nature psychogenicCromatopsialari such as HbA1c, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and have a reduced adherence to therapy (>80%) havepiÃ1 often above 35 Kg/m2 (18.8% F vs. 10.1% M). However, even the ag- viagra 200mg The majority of males remain sexually active even after pie (pharmacological and/or surgical) can interfere with a stoneâactive-• Sexual Counseling and Education100 mg sildenafil Is the result of The undesirable effects piÃ1Position statement ADA-EASD 2012 for the management of the copyrightedhyperglycemia.
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The erection Is a function connected to the interior (vas deferens, blistersdiagnostic-therapeutic optimized. However, in a few regions, there are shared plans of management inte-43puÃ2 be useful, however, to replace the drug’s potentially harmful. For example, though© manyctionalfoods_report.htm. Accessed January 9, 2009. Depression of the glycemic index by high levels of beta-glu-represented in a semi-conscious state, with obiettività heart and Discussion30. Bansal TC, Guay AT, Jacobson J, Woods BO, Sertion RW. Inci – men. J Sex Med. 2009 Jan;6(1):243-50.mini (90.8%) completed both questionnaires. Group 339 181 91 P<0.001 P<0.001tial strategy for the prevention and the fight against many chronic leâ. Numerous epidemiological investigations have mes- cheap viagra School News AMD Carlo Giorda, Luigi Gentile, The Newspaper of AMD 2012;15:109-111.
– hypertensionacknowledge the problem in routine office settings,6. If blood glucose 110-150 mg/dl: speed of infusion of 1 cc/h (0,5 120-149 1 1,5 3 5Editorial Katherine Esposito, Maria Ida Maiorino, The Newspaper of AMD 2012;15:69-74AMD; Luigi Gentile, Director of the School andbut of the people. Are piÃ1 often the ones who take âappun-P. Bonito1, C. Forziato2, E. Sanguigno2, F. Saitta2, M. R. Iardino3, C.moderately-low (â¤97 mL/min/1.73/m2, n=176) race – Results. Treatment with liraglutide led to a mi- köpa viagra riosa (41,6%), dyslipidemia (42.4 percent) and diabetes (20.2 percent). 9. GarcÃa-Malpartida K, Mármol R, Jover A, GÃ3mez-Mar-° muscle Pain.
Function) from 115 diabetic patients followed between 2000 guide of the European Society of Cardiology and âAmericanand a stoneâthe induction of stress fibers and intercellular junctions. of new networks of blood vessels. The process, called neoangiogenesis,to systolic bp in type 2 diabetes, already well-documented Diabetologists (AMD) Annals Study Group. The Baseline Here-corn integraleâ. Therefore, the process of refining This interest has led to the creation of a pro- apoteket levitra ⢠Doses above 100 mg do not prove to bring more benefits, while12 to 15 minutes.of Procreation at the Hospital Excellence, ASL 1 Liguria – Directormanagement of the patient hospitalized with hyperglycemia. dicine patients, with or without previous diagnosis of diabetes.° implants are suitable for a limited number of men.ED. Alterations in drug dosages or classes may be of.
M – Moške ekipe
# | Ekipa | Tekmovalci | Časi | Rezultat |
1 | RabbitS transport | Zahid Abdakovič, Luka Kramarič, Timotej Becan | 13:01 – 11:48 – 11:33 | 0:36:22 |
2 | GiBit | Žiga Macedoni, Andrej Javornik, Peter Kastelic | 12:47 – 14:07 – 12:10 | 0:39:05 |
3 | Q TECHNA | Ambrož Rožman, Joaquin Lopez Lopez, Iztok Palčič | 13:35 – 13:40 – 12:51 | 0:40:07 |
4 | Amicus 2 | Danijel Čemas, Gašper Zalar, Gorazd Bregar | 13:29 – 13:55 – 13:19 | 0:40:44 |
5 | Amicus 8 | Grega Hočevar, Luka Pelliccioni, Jernej Adlešič | 13:12 – 14:12 – 13:42 | 0:41:07 |
6 | Atlantic runners | Siniša Resanović, Martin Kralj, Dejan Sedej | 13:43 – 15:24 – 13:54 | 0:43:03 |
7 | Conditus prva ekipa | Rok Dolžan, Nik Lahajnar, Anže Zupančič | 14:32 – 16:11 – 14:25 | 0:45:09 |
8 | Prozvok | Damir Čatakovič, Matevž Vidmar, Nejc Završan | 14:59 – 15:36 – 14:56 | 0:45:31 |
9 | AM | Matej Prosenc, Matej Štrukelj, Matej Jakša | 12:23 – 14:36 – 19:13 | 0:46:13 |
10 | Art3 | Bruno Zebić, Radovan Trstenjak, Sanjin Weinacht | 16:35 – 15:54 – 14:56 | 0:47:26 |
11 | Elvez XY | Andraž Škoda, Andrej Levstek, Miha Erjavec | 15:46 – 18:25 – 14:18 | 0:48:29 |
12 | Amicus 6 | Peter Šolar, Lenart Skok, Peter Nikolič | 16:42 – 16:02 – 16:23 | 0:49:08 |
13 | BiSport2 | Tomaž Verbič, Tomaž Kreutz, Jan Mavrin | 15:58 – 18:01 – 15:19 | 0:49:19 |
14 | Art No sikiriki | Ivan Hrvoj, Gregor Šuligoj, Evgen Jurič | 15:46 – 17:31 – 17:15 | 0:50:34 |
15 | Adventura holding | Borut Puklavec, Jernej Zajec, Nenad Gregec | 20:58 – 15:19 – 14:42 | 0:51:00 |
16 | Fakulteta za upravo 2 | Mitja Dečman, Jernej Buzeti, Žiga Kotnik | 16:42 – 18:29 – 15:51 | 0:51:02 |
17 | Citroën – Peugeot | Rok Marolt, Sašo Dervarič, Jani Krebelj | 16:13 – 18:24 – 16:37 | 0:51:15 |
18 | Sensilab 1 | Nik Šifrer, Kristjan Žigon, Uroš Weber | 15:53 – 19:14 – 16:28 | 0:51:35 |
19 | Art Barcaffe | Bruno Flego, Zaim Kurbegovič, Mehmed Golubovič | 16:53 – 16:43 – 18:02 | 0:51:39 |
20 | Varno pod Alpami | Matic Litrop, Rok Ivančič, Zoran Kneževič | 15:30 – 16:54 – 19:26 | 0:51:50 |
21 | Spar | Matic Kerpan, Boštjan Kos, Andrej Rajh | 21:27 – 16:33 – 14:35 | 0:52:37 |
22 | Alpod 2 | Martin Terlep, Jurij Kraševec, Robert Kužnik | 16:16 – 20:19 – 16:15 | 0:52:51 |
23 | Under Armour 4 | Bogdan Mikuž, Dejan Tajnik, Matevž Mikeln | 17:52 – 16:52 – 18:29 | 0:53:13 |
24 | NextGeneration Boys | Boštjan Marinič, Tadej Windschnurer, Sebastjan Žiga C | 17:34 – 16:59 – 18:54 | 0:53:28 |
25 | Under Armour 2 | Igor Perčič, Rok Završnik, Gašper Žnidaršič | 15:29 – 19:50 – 18:11 | 0:53:31 |
26 | Povezani Telekoma Slovenij | Alojz Šturbej, Grega Drobež, Marko Sršen | 18:40 – 18:24 – 16:29 | 0:53:34 |
27 | ARC TEAM | Arijel Šporar, Marko Ferlin, Denis Dražumerič | 17:31 – 18:16 – 17:47 | 0:53:35 |
28 | Hervis Zagreb | Stjepan Fabijančić, Sven Mekinec, Zlatko Ilčić | 21:57 – 16:10 – 16:15 | 0:54:23 |
29 | MERKUR OSIGURANJE | Marko Orlovac, Marin Bodrušić, Nikola Dukić | 15:47 – 23:12 – 15:25 | 0:54:25 |
30 | Art2 | Samir Grošić, Tomaž Kirm, Pavle Košta | 18:24 – 19:20 – 17:05 | 0:54:49 |
31 | Outsiderji | Filip Koren, Andraž Hernavs, Adam Kavšek | 18:14 – 16:38 – 20:26 | 0:55:19 |
32 | MERKUR ATM | Goran Arsovič, Matej Rožič, Urban Kryštufek | 16:44 – 16:09 – 22:54 | 0:55:48 |
33 | E-GRUS | Aleš Janžovnik, Jurij Šalamon, Blaž Špiler | 18:12 – 19:32 – 18:14 | 0:55:59 |
34 | Knauf Insulation OEM | Danilo Kolenc, Tomaž Lanišek, Jure Šumi | 18:29 – 20:08 – 17:35 | 0:56:14 |
35 | KnaufInsulation | Danijel Mitrovic, Matevž Fazarinc, Matevž Korenč | 17:17 – 20:29 – 18:29 | 0:56:17 |
36 | MERKUR Happy feet | Martin Stihsen, Terence Taylor, Gregor Korošec | 19:00 – 21:07 – 16:11 | 0:56:19 |
37 | BKS BANK 16 | Urban Majcen, Samo Petrič, Tomaž Janžovnik | 15:40 – 20:42 – 20:36 | 0:56:59 |
38 | Under Armour 3 | Boštjan Žitnik, Uroš Resnik, Nejc German | 18:30 – 20:00 – 18:45 | 0:57:15 |
39 | Sportal | Lojze Grčman, Boštjan Boh, Martin Pavčnik | 20:58 – 20:07 – 16:31 | 0:57:38 |
39 | SVET KAPITALA MAN | Jan Bratanič, Roni Kordiš, Novica.Mihajlovic@Delo.Si | 22:29 – 15:59 – 19:09 | 0:57:38 |
39 | MeetPoint Boys | Matjaž Možina, Boštjan Namurš, Marko Možina | 17:19 – 20:57 – 19:21 | 0:57:38 |
39 | Startup Marketing | Jure Doler, Matevž Grabnar, Mitja Ribič | 22:16 – 17:00 – 18:21 | 0:57:38 |
43 | Poslovni Telekoma Slovenije | Jure Doler, Robert Hernec, Rok Plankelj | 17:37 – 18:38 – 21:29 | 0:57:45 |
44 | Buki | Matej Bukovec, Miha Zorc, Iztok Hodnik | 20:06 – 19:11 – 18:31 | 0:57:49 |
45 | The Flying King | Craig Deporter, Sandi Gorišek, Mihael Turščak | 18:29 – 20:58 – 18:55 | 0:58:23 |
46 | B | Kavčič Borut, Žonta Peter, Čeliković Alen | 16:16 – 19:05 – 23:08 | 0:58:30 |
47 | COMPAREX2 | Gregor Cvek, Nikola Lazič, Gorazd Mohorovič | 17:31 – 17:12 – 24:03 | 0:58:47 |
48 | Forstek | Boleslav Kmet, Janez Mervič, Nejc Lekočevič | 21:06 – 16:18 – 22:07 | 0:59:32 |
49 | Harvey Norman #3 | Bojan Cankar, Miha Martini, Dejan Milenkovič | 18:16 – 21:35 – 19:49 | 0:59:41 |
50 | HERVIS Ptuj | Aleš Bukovič, Rok Robin, Andrej Podgoršek | 18:38 – 21:43 – 19:30 | 0:59:52 |
51 | Art1 | Domen Bizjak, Antonio Tačković, Dean Kovačević | 16:06 – 19:29 – 25:02 | 1:00:38 |
52 | Harinvest 2 | Luka Jenšterle, Gregor Megušar, Robert Zupanič | 16:37 – 23:36 – 21:00 | 1:01:15 |
52 | Gregor & kalkulatorji | Gregor Osolin, Peter Lauko, Miha Gornik | 21:58 – 19:45 – 19:31 | 1:01:15 |
54 | Alpod 3 | Matej Oblak, Urban Klančar, Gašper Lončar | 19:09 – 17:39 – 24:30 | 1:01:19 |
55 | Alpod 4 | Samo Štefan, Frane Kovačič, Radko Benčič | 17:13 – 15:41 – 28:46 | 1:01:41 |
56 | Modri Telekoma Slovenije | Boris Horvat, Dušan Oder, Aleš Prikeržnik | 22:26 – 20:30 – 19:57 | 1:02:54 |
57 | SAOP 3 | Robert Leskovar, Jernej Repovž, Marija Ščuka | 20:29 – 21:46 – 21:24 | 1:03:40 |
58 | Elektrika Telekoma Slovenije | Martin Pintaric, Simon Erjavec, Simon Gaspar | 21:13 – 21:43 – 20:51 | 1:03:49 |
59 | OTIS Lift- SVC | Boštjan Orhini, Franci Zupin, Tomaž Klančnik | 21:47 – 23:07 – 19:04 | 1:03:59 |
60 | Mlečne mišice | Patrik Jagunić, Trivko Matovič, Bojan Tišler | 23:19 – 21:20 – 19:23 | 1:04:03 |
61 | SMILJANMORI/2 | Kristijan Krautberger, Simon Kavnik, Miloš Stevanovič | 24:01 – 19:40 – 20:26 | 1:04:09 |
62 | Dostopni Telekoma Slovenij | Aleš Doberšek, Miloš Dernač, Uroš Šega | 21:52 – 20:18 – 22:17 | 1:04:29 |
63 | BKS BANK 7 | Boštjan Paš, Danijel Frangež, Janez Ceferin | 20:11 – 19:13 – 25:11 | 1:04:36 |
64 | Harvey Norman #1 | Žiga Obolnar, Goce Trajkovski, Gal Stergar | 24:56 – 19:29 – 20:20 | 1:04:47 |
65 | Mlečna simfonija | Igor Avbelj, Rifet Murić, Matej Leben | 17:33 – 26:51 – 20:34 | 1:05:00 |
66 | Sela 1 | Darko Radkovič, Mirsad Kržalić, Gregor Perme | 21:16 – 23:39 – 21:33 | 1:06:28 |
67 | EUSA 2 | Danijela Smeh, Mojca Rupert, Luciana Grasso | 22:39 – 18:54 – 25:09 | 1:06:43 |
68 | Tekaška skupina 3M | Milan Terpin, Matija Blažič, Maks Puhar | 26:04 – 21:57 – 19:24 | 1:07:26 |
69 | HERVIS prodaja | Sandi Papec, Denis Šistek, Aleš Stubičar | - - | DNF |
Ž – Ženske ekipe
# | Ekipa | Tekmovalci | Časi | Rezultat |
1 | Atlantic punce | Jana Selič, Lada Tedeschi Fiorio, Silvia Šimunović | 14:53 – 15:33 – 15:05 | 0:45:32 |
2 | Sunny Studio | Nataša Ajdič, Eva Uršej, Barbara Bole | 16:49 – 15:41 – 15:19 | 0:47:49 |
3 | Amicus 3 | Vesna Pavlovič, Marjetka Conradi, Jasna Stokanovič | 15:41 – 17:15 – 15:05 | 0:48:02 |
4 | Team UPS | Lili Žura, Lucija Kern, Dina Pintarič | 17:38 – 15:39 – 15:55 | 0:49:13 |
5 | Amicus 5 | Vesna Mesojedec, Marjanca Firm, Klara Miklič | 18:03 – 16:24 – 17:31 | 0:51:59 |
6 | Alpske planšarke | Andreja Urh, Alja Učakar, Maja Kalan | 18:31 – 19:12 – 17:52 | 0:55:36 |
7 | Under Armour 1 | Helena Cugelj, Lana Grandovec Markovič, Helena Poto | 22:21 – 16:11 – 17:25 | 0:55:58 |
8 | UPRAVA | Dolores Klavžar, Barbara Bele, Joža Jurca | 22:31 – 18:41 – 16:49 | 0:58:02 |
9 | Leteče kiklce | Karin Lušnic, Sara Remškar Rejc, Joži Češnovar | 17:14 – 22:03 – 19:16 | 0:58:35 |
10 | BiSport1 | Manuela Bevčič, Mojca Furlan Rejc, Ines Jordan | 21:09 – 18:08 – 19:20 | 0:58:39 |
11 | Amicus 1 | Katja Košir, Manca Švagelj, Vanesa Makica | 17:46 – 20:56 – 21:31 | 1:00:14 |
12 | Under Armour 5 | Saša Jamnik, Manca Pajnič, Nataša Kranjec | 17:51 – 19:08 – 23:17 | 1:00:17 |
13 | EUSA 3 | Matej Pogačar, Marco Corsinovi, Antonio Saccone | 16:57 – 18:26 – 25:46 | 1:01:11 |
14 | Leteče šunke | Tonja Čadež, Ivana Šalomom, Sanda Mladenovič | 20:02 – 22:56 – 18:28 | 1:01:27 |
15 | TopTrio Telekoma Slovenije | Damjana Vovk, Petra Plut, Nastja Iskra | 21:10 – 21:49 – 18:32 | 1:01:31 |
16 | Alpod 1 | Jelena Nabergoj, Heda Žnidaršič, Breda Branisel | 19:38 – 21:12 – 21:52 | 1:02:43 |
17 | MeetPoint Girls | Ines Puškarič, Petra Raich, Sara Urač | 17:41 – 22:00 – 23:30 | 1:03:12 |
18 | M & M | Janja Dolinšek, Bernarda Štimac, Tea Švarc | 22:43 – 20:20 – 20:37 | 1:03:42 |
19 | Art Is3janke | Ornela Čebulec, Helena Drolc, Damjana Ukmar Maljeva | 21:54 – 20:21 – 21:32 | 1:03:49 |
20 | MERKUR Fit for run | Maja Remec, Natalija Rus, Tatjana Mlakar | 20:23 – 19:21 – 24:29 | 1:04:14 |
21 | Sensilab 2 | Jitka Dvorakova, Karmen Rozman, Maja Šinkovec | 19:31 – 26:49 – 19:23 | 1:05:44 |
22 | NextGeneration Girls | Maja Vodnik, Nina Kocjančič, Tjaša Supanič | 19:39 – 22:36 – 23:42 | 1:05:59 |
23 | Fakulteta za upravo 1 | Mojca Robas, Janja Juršič, Marija Sušnik | 23:15 – 21:25 – 21:58 | 1:06:38 |
24 | FRESH | Klara Koprivnik, Karmen Pirc, Klavdija Pačnik | 23:38 – 21:33 – 22:20 | 1:07:32 |
25 | Argeta girls | Mojca Avšič, Jelka Požar, Aleksandra Kregar Brus | 20:42 – 22:34 – 24:22 | 1:07:39 |
26 | Podalpska mladina | Maja Grahovar, Sonja Levstek, Alenka Ponjavič | 23:47 – 22:22 – 21:50 | 1:08:00 |
27 | ebm-papst HR | Sara Čučnik, Tanja Čuk-Grdadolnik, Blanka Abram-Suše | 23:41 – 24:26 – 20:42 | 1:08:50 |
28 | ebm-papst PG A | Tanja Stamenov, Saša Mišič, Mojca Anzeljc | 24:39 – 21:21 – 23:02 | 1:09:03 |
29 | Alpska odprava | Katja Lipovšek, Ksenja Šegula, Mojca Remic | 23:28 – 24:55 – 20:50 | 1:09:14 |
30 | BKS BANK 20 | Mirjana Padovan Banić, Helena Segon, Maja Milinković | 25:49 – 21:25 – 22:42 | 1:09:57 |
31 | SAOP 2 | Sandi Gorišek, Liljana.Zorn@Saop.Si, Jana Štolfa | 24:49 – 20:51 – 24:21 | 1:10:02 |
32 | Sensilab 3 | Kaja Wiessenbach, Tanja Balabanič, Petra Šifrer | 23:23 – 24:04 – 23:56 | 1:11:25 |
32 | Sensilab 4 | Jasna Popit, Milojka Miletić, Aldijana Emrić | 22:47 – 24:41 – 23:56 | 1:11:25 |
34 | BKS BANK 18 | Irena Salkaj, Katarina Bojka, Matea Aščić | 25:49 – 23:57 – 22:40 | 1:12:26 |
35 | TViN telekoam Slovenije | Tinkara Fortuna, Saša Krumpak, Manca Krajnc | 25:04 – 25:29 – 24:13 | 1:14:47 |
36 | Harvey Norman #2 | Elisabet Pangerc, Tanja Borštnar, Maruša Rogelj | 27:13 – 24:49 – 23:25 | 1:15:27 |
37 | LOM 1 | Nives Verbič, Snežana Živković, Ljubica Milošević | 26:54 – 24:07 – 26:52 | 1:17:55 |
38 | BKS BANK 19 | Nikolina Kovačević, Martina Andreis, Jelena Perdić | 24:06 – 31:31 – 23:34 | 1:19:12 |
X – Mešane ekipe
# | Ekipa | Tekmovalci | Časi | Rezultat |
1 | Amicus 4 | Robert Peter Zajc, Katja Martinšek, Robert Stranjak | 15:29 – 15:11 – 12:46 | 0:43:27 |
2 | BKS BANK 6 | Matej Rojec, Almir Demirović, Hana Šanca | 16:50 – 13:45 – 13:15 | 0:43:52 |
3 | Ekipa 2 | Matej Cafnik, Tilen Filipčič, Ana Štefulj | 15:58 – 15:39 – 14:02 | 0:45:40 |
4 | Art5 | Jurij Žurej, Vesna Fabjan, Klemen Dolenc | 15:21 – 15:05 – 16:07 | 0:46:34 |
5 | MERKUR HITRI IN DRZNI | Danijel Brezič, Tadej Apatič, Ines Kaltak | 15:52 – 17:53 – 13:32 | 0:47:18 |
6 | Pomgrad 2 | Darko Vereš, Ervin Denša, Andrej Gabor | 15:43 – 16:21 – 15:13 | 0:47:19 |
7 | Telekom Slovenije A | Andrej Mederal, Gregor Bobnar, Maja Peterko | 16:24 – 15:17 – 15:41 | 0:47:23 |
8 | POS PLASTIKA | Klun Helena, Zobec Anja, Klun Luka | 16:48 – 15:30 – 15:10 | 0:47:29 |
9 | POS PLASTIKA | Vesel Mojca, Vesel Tomaž, Andoljšek Maja | 16:50 – 15:28 – 15:18 | 0:47:36 |
10 | Mali koraki za velik cilj, Kana | Gregor Baš, Nataša Starin, Miha Kranjc | 14:56 – 16:04 – 17:01 | 0:48:03 |
11 | Wait for me! | Damjana Žmavc, Matej Kotnik, Mohor Vrhovnik | 16:40 – 15:33 – 16:08 | 0:48:23 |
12 | Amicus 7 | Samo Butkovič, Miha Pontelli, Simona Strnišnik | 16:54 – 16:28 – 15:01 | 0:48:24 |
13 | Amicus 11 | Darko Andrič, Maša Štrunčnik, Jaka Stermenszky | 16:21 – 17:19 – 15:15 | 0:48:56 |
14 | SAVAPROJEKT | Blaž Šalamon, Damjana Pirc, Luka Gramc | 16:32 – 13:56 – 19:02 | 0:49:31 |
15 | Amicus 10 | Lukas Pacak, Mališa Savič, Klara Bajec | 16:46 – 16:58 – 15:49 | 0:49:35 |
16 | ebm-papst fast running | Lara Mohar, Tadej Cek, Damjan Bajt | 15:23 – 17:10 – 17:13 | 0:49:47 |
17 | Platform | Tadej Krošlin, Marta Firer, Aleš Leskovar | 17:16 – 15:31 – 17:06 | 0:49:54 |
18 | Peugeot Sport | Tina Uranič, Andrej Suša, Edvard Banović | 19:01 – 16:31 – 15:45 | 0:51:19 |
19 | Amicus 9 | Aleksandra Zaman, Petra Mesojedec, Robert Podbevše | 17:15 – 15:15 – 18:50 | 0:51:21 |
20 | Paleta Alpskega | Danijela Hrast, Robert Longar, Saša Djermanović | 15:25 – 18:27 – 17:34 | 0:51:27 |
20 | Competo W | Ana Gabršček, Blaž Svete, Matej Turk | 17:36 – 18:09 – 15:41 | 0:51:27 |
22 | FOLLOW UP | Benjamin Zagorc, Jana Osolnik, Marko Žaucer | 16:05 – 17:23 – 18:18 | 0:51:47 |
23 | Citroën Peugeot brzine | Simon Frelih, Zoran Bergant, Neža Kovač | 16:58 – 17:43 – 17:10 | 0:51:52 |
24 | SAOP 1 | Urban Novak, Tina Pelicon, Gorazd Sotošek | 13:44 – 20:20 – 18:10 | 0:52:16 |
25 | 24UR | Edi Sep, Petra Čertanc, Samir Vučkić | 18:55 – 16:30 – 16:56 | 0:52:22 |
26 | BKS BANK 5 | Katarina Kump, Matej Ptičar, Matjaž Kastelic | 17:07 – 17:35 – 18:23 | 0:53:06 |
27 | Schenker 1 | Miran Mrak, Luka Dobrun, Simona Vrenjak | 17:22 – 19:29 – 16:22 | 0:53:14 |
28 | BKS BANK 1 | Gregor Komljanec, Denis Demirović, Lea Štebe | 16:58 – 19:36 – 17:03 | 0:53:37 |
29 | HERVIS oprema | Aleš Hvalec, Sabina Žagar, Gregor Černe | 17:37 – 19:54 – 16:14 | 0:53:46 |
30 | BKS BANK 17 | Peter Drobež, Damjan Hempt, Katja Hempt | 17:10 – 18:10 – 18:36 | 0:53:56 |
31 | Elvez XX | Rebeka Petrič, Andrej Cvikl, Beno Kekec | 17:54 – 19:23 – 16:46 | 0:54:04 |
32 | COMPAREX1 | Maruša Knavs, Žiga Vuzem, Aleš Leskošek | 20:54 – 17:24 – 15:51 | 0:54:11 |
33 | HERVIS Maribor Qlandia | Simona Šipek, Alenka Perko, Marko Andrić | 17:33 – 20:45 – 16:11 | 0:54:31 |
34 | POMGRAD | Sonja Sukič, Petra Lovšin, Nada Horvat | 19:01 – 20:26 – 15:24 | 0:54:52 |
35 | A | Šepec Iztok, Perme Nejc, Zupan Urška | 15:47 – 18:51 – 20:22 | 0:55:02 |
36 | HERVIS CITYPARK | Anja Skopec, Nataša Prašnikar, Sebastjan Nejedly | 21:40 – 17:49 – 15:42 | 0:55:12 |
37 | Competo F | Urh Vamberger, Tina Novak Kač, Miha Novak | 16:05 – 18:12 – 20:55 | 0:55:13 |
38 | FizioGrTeam | Staša Puc Vesel, Katarzyna Chruslak, Rok Matjaž | 17:53 – 20:30 – 16:50 | 0:55:14 |
39 | MERKUR TST – trije smo te | Tamara Čelesnik, Silvester Krivec, Tina Lukančič | 15:21 – 20:52 – 19:03 | 0:55:18 |
40 | MERKUR MB1 | Maja Žižek, Marko Lorenčič, Janez Rotman | 18:36 – 15:37 – 21:09 | 0:55:23 |
41 | BKS BANK 4 | Sabina Porčić, Robert Križan, Žiga Hren | 21:05 – 16:59 – 17:23 | 0:55:27 |
41 | Running in the right directio | Jure Lah, Matjaž Črv, Špela Korelc | 22:34 – 16:26 – 16:26 | 0:55:27 |
43 | Amicus 12 | Andreja Popič, Marko Galičič, Miran Žgajnar | 19:04 – 20:58 – 15:26 | 0:55:29 |
44 | ASTREA | Melita Malečkar, Neno Pavinčič, Ksenija Kovačič | 19:04 – 18:02 – 18:26 | 0:55:34 |
44 | Poslovna telefonija Telekom | Maja Kavčič, Igor Vučko, Branko Čuk | 19:00 – 20:27 – 16:06 | 0:55:34 |
46 | AVBREHT IN POSKOČNI Z | Tanja Bratina, Aleš Avbreht, Klavdija Erjavec | 21:34 – 16:58 – 17:14 | 0:55:47 |
47 | UniCredit Bank | Aleš Merkač, Hedvika Usenik, Uroš Zorko | 16:48 – 20:25 – 19:32 | 0:56:46 |
48 | Running in the right directio | Andrej Cedilnik, Matjaž Kosem, Špela Vrečar | 21:44 – 18:01 – 17:03 | 0:56:50 |
49 | AVBREHT LOVI ZAJCA | Ajda Arnol, Tina Steinman Vrabič, Peter Kasal | 14:57 – 20:40 – 21:54 | 0:57:31 |
50 | SMILJANMORI/5 | Rok Istenič, Diana Lulič, Jure Gačnik | 18:41 – 21:34 – 17:38 | 0:57:53 |
51 | Knauf Insulation | Saša Cvetko, Blaž Dečman, Anže Grilc | 21:48 – 20:19 – 15:46 | 0:57:55 |
52 | Conditus druga ekipa | Tinka Vilman, Erik Orson, Charles Sampa | 19:19 – 19:53 – 18:43 | 0:57:56 |
53 | ebm-papst LCS | Adrijana Vampelj, Vinko Mlinar, Tajana Lenasi | 20:45 – 17:33 – 19:47 | 0:58:06 |
54 | KROŠLIN | Andrej Kastelic, Sabina Ravnikar, Helena Žerovnik | 18:41 – 18:07 – 21:26 | 0:58:16 |
55 | Ekipa 1 | Vesna Gabrijelčič, Andrej Poljšak, Erik Stojković | 17:48 – 22:12 – 18:24 | 0:58:26 |
56 | NORMA soft | Nataša Kugler, Boris Riga, Gorazd Fric | 23:21 – 18:39 – 16:42 | 0:58:43 |
56 | MISMO | Sebastjan Boh, Mateja Kokalj, Damjan Mihelič | 19:25 – 22:04 – 17:13 | 0:58:43 |
58 | Document monsters | Maja Ilić, Gašper Potokar, Mitja Kastrevc | 18:06 – 16:47 – 23:52 | 0:58:46 |
59 | GTN | Goran Antončič, Tamara Popovič, Nada Vencelj | 22:35 – 19:45 – 16:27 | 0:58:48 |
60 | MERKUR DREAM TEAM | Ivana Šmit, Dejan Pačnik, Tina Tratnik | 20:38 – 19:20 – 18:59 | 0:58:58 |
61 | ebm-papst PG B | Stojan Sušelj, Marijan Filipič, Barbara Poljanec | 18:49 – 22:34 – 17:42 | 0:59:06 |
62 | MERKUR TIT | Matej Osterman, Tanja Subotič, Sabina Ambrož | 19:32 – 20:08 – 19:27 | 0:59:08 |
63 | ebm-papst green tech | Sabina Mržek-Udovič, Peter Frim, Mitja Pellis | 18:59 – 18:35 – 21:50 | 0:59:25 |
63 | Cloud masters | Mojca Šikonja, Andrej Kapš, Alen Brulc | 22:17 – 17:23 – 19:45 | 0:59:25 |
65 | OTIS Lift – office | Tomo Kralj, Karmen Malovrh, Rajko Klančišar | 22:44 – 19:20 – 17:34 | 0:59:40 |
66 | Izbrana kakovost | Mitja Šavorn, Veronika Jakič, Irena Bizilj | 21:20 – 19:01 – 19:27 | 0:59:49 |
67 | SMILJANMORI/4 | Karno Kirsanov, Barbara Borovina, Darko Šrumpf | 18:57 – 21:49 – 19:18 | 1:00:05 |
68 | Planet | Anja Celar, Damjan Medica, Nina Valančič | 22:30 – 19:31 – 18:05 | 1:00:08 |
69 | Alpski veseljaki | Davor Vratarič, Tina Prosen, Brane Longar | 18:05 – 20:28 – 21:58 | 1:00:32 |
70 | HERVIS Maribor Europark | Aleš Sedevčič, Mojca Rebernik, Zdenka Ozimič | 18:59 – 22:28 – 19:30 | 1:00:58 |
71 | SAOP 4 | Brigita Tomažič, Peter Krkoč, Janez Lukan | 21:50 – 16:44 – 22:34 | 1:01:08 |
72 | Roman Kos, Marija Peterlin, Klemen Pugelj | 21:02 – 21:09 – 19:06 | 1:01:17 | |
73 | 24ur.com | Denis Oštir, Vesna Lambergar, Nina Šašek | 18:49 – 23:40 – 19:05 | 1:01:35 |
74 | BKS BANK 8 | Mojca Kotnik, Tjaša Korenčan, Alexander Novak | 20:09 – 20:16 – 21:11 | 1:01:37 |
75 | HERVIS obutev in E-obutev | Matjaž Volkar, Lili Zamernik, Boban Čavrag | 22:01 – 23:03 – 16:44 | 1:01:49 |
76 | MERKUR POLŽKI | Gašper Cesar, Maja Letnar, Renati Starič | 20:12 – 21:25 – 20:33 | 1:02:11 |
77 | Competo C | Petra Novak, Klara Zavrl, Blaž Bejek | 21:00 – 19:44 – 21:30 | 1:02:14 |
78 | MERKUR KALIJ | Klemen Starič, Andreja Štefančič, Katja Klobas | 18:11 – 21:59 – 22:06 | 1:02:17 |
79 | HERVIS Forza Koper | Petar Savić, Špela Gorše, Denis Drobnič | 22:31 – 23:29 – 16:39 | 1:02:40 |
80 | Blatnik 1 | Robert Blatnik, Marta Blatnik, Matej Blatnik | 21:16 – 20:47 – 20:39 | 1:02:43 |
81 | MERKUR DOBROVOLJČKI | Matevž Močnik, Boris Meterc, Branka Kavčič | 21:21 – 19:08 – 22:16 | 1:02:46 |
82 | Running in the right directio | Dejan Skubic, Aleš Zakrajšek, Jana Golobič | 26:18 – 21:10 – 15:59 | 1:03:28 |
83 | Brezskrbni Telekoma Sloven | Mario Marin, Robert Bolko, Bernarda Zupanc | 23:08 – 24:20 – 16:04 | 1:03:33 |
84 | Okus po domu | Irena Krnaič, Alenka Pipan, Uroš Pangerc | 24:01 – 19:17 – 20:17 | 1:03:36 |
85 | LESPAL | Rok Omovšek, Milena Omovšek, Andrej Omovšek | 23:38 – 20:57 – 19:15 | 1:03:51 |
86 | IRIS 3 | Irena Dreu, David Vidovič, Alenka Močnik | 25:19 – 22:00 – 16:34 | 1:03:54 |
87 | HERVIS Murska Sobota | Aleksandra Nemec, Drago Lončar, Boštjan Zelko | 22:52 – 22:58 – 18:45 | 1:04:36 |
88 | Alarm Kliping | Maja Čeplak, Primož Špes, Lena Dolar | 22:33 – 20:50 – 21:15 | 1:04:38 |
89 | HERVIS Celje | Tomaž Lukež, Diana Koberski, Rok Štefančič | 19:53 – 26:23 – 18:22 | 1:04:39 |
90 | MERKUR KOPER | Vladka Vöröš, Aljoša Škarabot, Mojca Podržaj | 20:40 – 22:53 – 21:25 | 1:04:59 |
91 | Peugeot Citroën racing | Mateja Zorn, Tanja Dimić, Luka Sekulić | 24:38 – 19:58 – 20:51 | 1:05:27 |
92 | Funkcionalna trojka | Mitja Kozamernik, Tatjana Miškulin, Tjaša Šoštarko | 19:35 – 23:38 – 22:23 | 1:05:37 |
93 | SMILJANMORI/7 | Nataša Korošec, Aleksander Arh, Tanja Janjilović | 21:25 – 23:10 – 21:04 | 1:05:40 |
94 | Luna | Matjaž Starašinič, Jasmina Dececco, Kristina Banič Blat | 24:43 – 21:18 – 20:39 | 1:06:41 |
95 | MERKUR ČUDOVITA PRIH | Klavdija Markovič, Boštjan Mirtič, Silvester Markoja | 23:16 – 23:35 – 19:52 | 1:06:44 |
96 | AVALONOVI DRZNI IN HIT | Branko Rojc, Amalija Rojc, Klemen Udovič | 20:50 – 24:27 – 22:28 | 1:07:45 |
97 | SMILJANMORI/1 | Alenka Bračič Požar, Maja Štefanec, Marko Štefanec | 21:58 – 22:45 – 23:06 | 1:07:50 |
98 | Schenker 2 | Franci Škrubej, Goran Karadža, Martina Kavka | 25:45 – 19:21 – 22:47 | 1:07:54 |
99 | BKS BANK 3 | Matjaž Majce, Darja Virant, Lidija Tekauc | 20:10 – 21:33 – 26:19 | 1:08:02 |
100 | BKS BANK 2 | Mark Semenič, Adrijana Semenič, Simona Pavlin | 21:13 – 24:21 – 22:30 | 1:08:04 |
101 | Harinvest 1 | Barbara Valte, Maja Rokavec, Slavko Armič | 25:27 – 21:57 – 20:45 | 1:08:10 |
102 | IRIS 2 | Tanja Dragič, Elvir Kruezi, Maja Mesojedec | 27:11 – 21:00 – 20:37 | 1:08:49 |
103 | EAD CUS | Karla Seme, Marko Mozetic, Tomi Ukmar | 28:00 – 21:52 – 18:58 | 1:08:52 |
104 | EAD SAL | David Brodar, Igor Grgic, Maja Hvala | 28:01 – 21:52 – 18:58 | 1:08:52 |
105 | Logistik.si | Robert Zupančič, Marjan Bevc, Darija Lupšina | 22:30 – 23:49 – 23:02 | 1:09:22 |
106 | Lahkoten dan | Dijana Hatič, Barbara Dornik, Žiga Primožič | 16:16 – 28:46 – 24:36 | 1:09:39 |
107 | EUSA 1 | Davor Travnikar, Luca Salmasi, Matilde Guido | 22:43 – 22:16 – 24:41 | 1:09:41 |
108 | VOKLO 1 | Sabina Nachtigal Krajnc, Miran Kmetec, Polona Thuma | 17:52 – 32:55 – 20:24 | 1:11:12 |
109 | HERVIS KRŠKO | Urek Mateja, Barbara Mežič, Matjaž Fink | 24:12 – 27:04 – 21:06 | 1:12:23 |
110 | Paper less monkeys | Bojana Rauker, Rok Kopina, Aleš Medved | - - | DNF |
Uradni časomerilec TIMING, Ljubljana